
0 Our Water Consumption

As part of the Canada Water Week I am looking at our water consumption so last night I pulled out all of our e-bills. I am some what of an excel nerd expert so I have all the data in there so I can slice and dice it any way that I want to. I expected to see some pretty boring results...just a nice plateau over the last several years. I did not see that. Instead I saw a sharp increase in water consumption over the last 3 months. And by sharp I mean that in January our water consumption was almost double (20 m3) what our average consumption (12 m3) is. It is more in line with what our consumption is in the summer when we have to water the lawn.

Here is what I am seeing for the last several years.

October - 8 m3 (2008), 11 m3 (2009), 9 m3 (2010)
November - 9 m3 (2008), 13 m3 (2009), 6 m3 (2010)
December - 12 m3 (2008), 10 m3 (2009), 12 m3 (2010)
January - 12 m3 (2008), 14 m3 (2010), 20 m3 (2011)
February - 10 m3 (2008), 9 m3 (2010), 17m3 (2011)

See how January and February of this year are totally out of whack. I don't get it. Time to bust out my Nancy Drew skills and figure out what the heck is going on.

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Water Conservation

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